Pool heaters are a very popular item of pool equipment – they allow swimming earlier in the season and later in the season. Or if you’re having a party you can turn them on beforehand to make things nice and comfortable for your guests. Some of the options available for Pool Heating include:

  • Solar Heating
  • Pool Heat Pumps
  • Gas Pool Heaters

All of our pool technicians maintain their product and service knowledge by undertaking training with Australia’s top suppliers. Winter is a great time for this. That way they can help you with basic heater issues or refer you onto specialist technicians before the issue gets to big and the heater may end up needing to be replaced. A regular service of your Pool Heater can help ensure against the need for major repairs or replacements.

Get your pool ready for spring by servicing your pool heater (at least every 12 months) or organise for one of our pool technicians to give you a FREE quote if you’re thinking of adding a heater to extend your swimming season.

If you want to learn more about your Pool Heating options, please find our latest blog here.

We also felt comfort with a known and trusted brand such as Jim’s.

Having the pool at a nice 24-30 degrees gives your pool swimming experience that elevation to really enjoy your backyard area, to relax and unwind. There are a number of different options available to suit anyone’s pool or budget. Give us a call today and we can discuss these options with you and find something that works for you.

Pool heating may seem like an expensive add-on to enjoy your pool a little bit longer each year, however if you have been swimming in a heated pool before, you know that it is quite an enjoyable experience. To have that available to you whenever you like, could be just the motivation you need to get out and about exercising and relaxing. Pool heating gives the ability to heat your pool when you want and to extend those swimming months as it gets cooler, increasing your pool enjoyment, adding value to your pool and your property.